The arrival was marred by a very rude person. I nearly flattened a guy at the luggage belt. He pushed over my friend in the aisle of the plane as we were all getting off - she was waiting for an elderly couple to go ahead of us and he just barged by. I don't see why people have to get pushy - in the end, everyone has to get off and wait patiently for the luggage midgets to do their awesome work... As I was waiting for the luggage to arrive, in my strategic spot just 2 metres from where it lands on the carroussel (as my daddy taught me) he leaned on me from behind trying to see over me?!?!?! Told him "excuse you!". He mumbled and backed off, temporarily. I was counting to 10 next offences / pushes before I was going to create a really loud scene (as my mummy taught me), but only got to 8 before my bag came. Next time I'm counting to 5. :)
The first night we went to a Movie Marathon starting at 22:50 and ending at 04:35... unfortunately we only made it through the first movie (Mark Wahlberg, The Shooter... Kelly is smitten, any girls seeing the movie will undoubtedly understand why once they see the scene where he is "unconscious" covered by a... serviette???). Second movie would have been Hot Fuzz, which we'd both seen and is a good movie... but the third was a frankly UNINSPIRING Jackass 2 and neither of us could be bothered to stay awake long enough to be bored by it. That and the fact that we were surrounded by "youths" talking on their mobiles during the film, it was probably best that we left before I had my second fight in Melbourne! :)
Anyway, getting to the GOOD stuff, the stuff everyone's on tenterhooks to read... the EMBARRASSING moments in my life! I have a HUMONGOUS one to report :) Also another First!
I was walking / racing back to the hostel (quite nice, bottom bunk alas) with Kelly, as we had somewhere important to go to that night (next blog entry) when I saw out of the corner of my eye some guy who had just passed us stop and walk after us. He was talking to Kelly as I continued to forge ahead. I looked over and he started saying something, so I kept up the pace and kept walking. Kelly held back and listened to something he was saying and then stopped altogether... (Apparently he'd told Kelly - got this info after lengthy analysis post-incident - he liked her friend, me! I kid you not, but despite looking really nice and friendly my first thought was "what does he want, I'm not buying". I believe I may have to do some work on my very mistrusting and sceptical mindset.
I hadn't heard what he was saying, but Kelly stood rooted to the spot. So I could either leave her there to fend for herself or at least have safety in numbers. I stopped, stared in a very dissuading manner and he proceeded to tell me that he had noticed me walking down the street. He said he normally wouldn't approach anyone just like that, but he found me attractive and had noticed my energy! As you can imagine, I was gobsmacked and uttered a truly vamp-like "oh". This was followed by him saying "you have really pretty light blue eyes" and another stellar response from me to the tune of "I'm so embarrassed". Nice, suave, sophisticated... Kelly walked off, probably too embarrassed to see me flounder more... (actually, she now informs me it was to give us "privacy"...)
I'll just leave you all on the EDGE of your seat as to what happened next, suffice it to say...stay tuned for Thursday... because, to continue racking up the firsts, I just gave my phone number out to a complete stranger on the street and will exchange more cunning and witty conversation (on his side) come Thursday. After all, I have to find out what's WRONG with him :) Scepticism is evil in the wrong hands...
1 comment:
is it thursday yet? - likely wednesday as you are 1 day ahead of us... jippie time does fly when ou are having fun
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