Our busdriver Nathan (that's him on the left...errr...licking Kelly?!) was happily (presumably) tootling along on the highway and we were all laughing and minding our own business, when he suddenly slammed on the brakes and I therefore landed wedged somewhat upside down inbetween my seat and Kelly's in front of me. Nathan, parked on the side of the road, opened the door and stormed out. After picking ourselves off the floor, we all looked at each other in utter confusion. All, except for Michelle that is. The Irish lass had been on Nathan's bus since Perth and knew the drill: grab your camera, Nathan spotted something.
Lo-and-behold, Nathan had run back down the highway a good 150mtrs to collect this little fellow:
Of course he then had to return it to exactly the same spot where he'd found it or it would have died, so cue another sprint by Nathan with cargo while we all admired our photos!
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