Monday, 19 March 2007

Another threesome in Queenstown! What a great place...

It's getting to be a habit... this threesome business. And this time I was on top!

OK, let me explain. I'm in the top bunk (hey, learned my lesson thanks to PinkelBoy)... girl on bottom bunk (or was it the guy's bed? don't know, does it matter?) brings back guy. Lots of sucking sounds and then my bed starts to... rock. Lovely. Just what I need at 04:30am when I need to be up at 09:00am for a stuntplane flight.

So - for all those people out there that didn't come up with something fitting to say in such a situation, it seems my lines from last night did the trick!

Picture rocking bunkbed in a room of 4 double bunks (6 other people were spectators to the show, but not quite as interactively as me). The room is pitchblack and lots of sucking noises are heard growing ever louder...

*switch on bright bright light, lean over, loudly announce to stunned semi-dressed couple below*
Hey Guys
I don't want to cramp your style
but I'm trying to sleep
and I'm starting to get seasick up here
please go find some privacy

*switch off light*

They were quiet pretty much instantaneously! Result!
But then the guy started to snore really loudly so I still had to resort to the iPod strategy. I've switched dorms - as if that will help... - for tonight and then I've got my own room with bathroom for the last night in Queenstown.

So, the current score is:
Couples-without-self-respect 2 vs Marisa 0.5
I think this one qualified as a partial victory, so I'm giving myself half a point!

1 comment:

V said...


When are u dropping by Singapore? You are my long waited guest!!

And, can I have the list of 101 things to do? hehe...

HUGS!!!! :)