- cockroaches in the shower, flies in the kitchen, mosquitoes in the dorm
- bus seat is a heck of a lot more comfortable than the hammock at the poo pub
- the only PC at the Poo Pub just ate $7 of my change as it kept crashing... all I wanted was to send one itty bitty little e-mail to Vanessa for her birthday!
- the place is called "the Poo Pub", come on... I don't need any other reasons!
Then onto FranzJoseph Glacier via more spectacular scenic roads... I'll spare you more pictures of scenery... No I won't! Hahahahahah. See it and weep!
Franz Joseph Glacier is truly impressive, especially since seeing An Inconvenient Truth. I wanted to do a heli-hike, but bad weather was closing in so I opted to jump on a short flight over the glacier while I had the opportunity. All the guides and information sites told me everything was grounded, but I didn't give up! I went scouring all of Franz Joseph (the one street with
about 10 tourist shops) and finally found a company that was doing one last flight before the fog closed in completely. To give you an idea - the picture with me posing, squinting against the sun, was taken around 1pm... the picture I took from the helicopter with fog literally covering the glacier and rain starting to pour down, was taken at 4:15pm. It changed that fast!
I loved the helicopter ride - I love flying full stop! I need to learn to fly! Forget motorized vehicles on the road, rafting/sledging/kayaking on rapids, I was clearly born to fly! This must be why I'm always taking pictures of clouds and can't stay in any one place too long. Clearly, I have missed my vocation. Donations for this worthy cause are welcome and can be sent to the attention of my brother in London, c/o the Marisa-Must-Fly appeal.
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